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Sydney Harbor Hospital: Marco's Temptation Page 10

  Emily jumped. Looked up and tried not to let him completely destroy her concentration. ‘You could go to bed.’

  He opened his mouth to say the obvious thing, smiled instead, and they both knew what he’d been going to say.

  ‘Well stopped,’ Emily said primly.

  ‘But still thought of.’ His smile melted any resistance to loss of concentration. She was a basket case.

  ‘Goodnight, Emily.’ He turned and walked away and she watched his broad back disappear up the corridor.

  She sighed.

  ‘What was that sigh for?’ Lily plonked the torch up on the shelf after another ward round.

  ‘Nothing.’ Emily changed the subject. ‘Luke was in Theatre with Marco.’

  ‘Yep. He’s on call. I try to do nights when he’s on call because most of the time he does come in and that means we can have the days off together. But you changed the subject. Were you sighing after the gorgeous Dr D’Arvello?’

  Lily glanced up the hallway as the lift swallowed Marco. A hint of concern in her friend’s voice. ‘He’s going soon, isn’t he?’

  Like she needed to be reminded of that. Lily cared and was always discreet. Maybe it would help to tell someone. ‘I’ll stay sensible but I can’t help wishing he’d open up a little. Why is it so hard for men to talk about themselves?’ She glanced at Lily and smiled ruefully. ‘I’m pretty happy to chat about myself if someone asks.’

  ‘Women are used to connecting with people. But he’s not different. Luke was like a clam.’ She tilted her head and studied Emily’s face. ‘You really like him, don’t you?’

  ‘I don’t have any illusions. He’ll be gone by the end of the month, but Annie likes him as well. But, then, he did do a lifesaving operation on my grandchild.’

  ‘Always a good reason to like someone.’ They both grinned. ‘But I think it’s more than that. You look at him like I look at Luke. Or Evie looks at Finn. That worried, “are you okay, I care,” look that women get when they’ve chosen their mate.’

  ‘No, I don’t.’ She stared at her friend. ‘I hope I don’t. Do I? Lily?’

  Lily laughed at the lack of choice people had when they met their match. ‘Yeah. I can see you’re trying to keep your head free but that must be hard when your daughter invites him to put up decorations and come to her baby shower.’

  Emily put her head in her hands. ‘It was probably too late anyway.’

  Lily’s eyes opened wide. ‘You’ve slept with him!’

  Emily sighed. ‘I could tell you but then I’d have to kill you.’

  ‘Oh.’ Lily hugged her. ‘He’s a very cool guy.’

  Emily nodded. Ridiculously proud of him. ‘He’s amazing. But he has issues. In fact, I have issues. Like he’s leaving in a couple of weeks and the more I see of him the harder it’s going to be when he leaves. I should stop now.’

  Lily laughed and stood up. ‘If only it was that easy. And they all have issues. Look at Finn.’

  They looked at each other and shook their heads. ‘Wouldn’t be Evie for quids.’


  EVIE wouldn’t have agreed. It wasn’t easy but she’d chosen her man and she would make it work. She’d tracked Finn to his office again and this time she shut the door behind her when she went in.

  He’d been working on some papers and his eyebrows lifted mockingly. ‘Come to take advantage of my previous weakness?’

  She was over him pretending they didn’t have a mutual attraction. ‘I’ve decided to stake my claim.’

  ‘Claim on what?’ He glanced down at himself. ‘A broken-down quack with a penchant for princesses?’

  She so didn’t see him like that. ‘I think you’re the most amazing surgeon I’ve ever met.’ She gave him a hard stare. ‘And I’m trying to keep you away from barmaids.’

  He shook his head. ‘I never slept with her, Evie.’

  He hadn’t? So all that angst had been for nothing. She could feel her temper rise. ‘Well, thanks for putting me out of my misery.’

  He stood up. Stared at her and then crossed the floor. She held her ground despite the unnerving stare he kept her pinned with. ‘Misery is my middle name. You wanna play with me then get used to it.’

  ‘Well, Pollyanna is mine so expect some disagreements.’

  He laughed, short and sharp, and to her relief his face softened. ‘Why on earth would a gorgeous girl like you want me? How long do you seriously think this is going to last?’

  ‘I was hoping for ever.’

  He pulled her in and held her against him and she knew this was where she wanted to be. She knew how hard it must have been for him to make the decision to let her into his very private world and she still couldn’t believe her luck. She hugged him and even the tiny easing of his tension made her feel hopeful.

  ‘I love you, Finn.’

  This time he crushed her against his chest but it was over too soon. She tried not to be disappointed he couldn’t bring himself to return the declaration.

  Her whole damn childhood had been like that. Cold emotions, brick walls between her parents—she didn’t want that with Finn. Surely she hadn’t chosen a man that would freeze her out like her father had frozen her mother out?

  But she wasn’t as easily bowed as her mother. She’d make him join the human race if it killed her. Or him.

  ‘A little bit of feedback wouldn’t go astray here, Finn.’

  Finn strangled back a laugh. Not a sound she heard nearly enough but it was so good to hear it now. ‘Evie, you are some woman.’

  ‘I know. It’s about time you appreciated me.’ She needed to hear this.

  His hard blue eyes softened further. ‘Oh, I do. Don’t you worry.’

  Like blood from a stone. ‘I repeat. Some feedback would be good.’

  ‘I didn’t realise you were so needy.’ The old Finn was back.

  Ohh. She could strangle him. ‘You don’t realise much at all do you, Finn, that isn’t directly related to Sydney Harbour Hospital? You live and breathe this place and I’m asking that you cut yourself a little slack to think about the outside world.’

  ‘Why?’ He shot her hard look. ‘Because you think I might have to give it up? Is that it, Evie? Is this another discussion leading to that experimental surgery?’ As if he was surprised she’d brought it up again.

  Well, yes. ‘If I don’t have that discussion with you, who will?’ She pointed her finger at him. ‘You’ll shut down any of your few friends that dare to bring it up.’

  He shrugged and turned away.

  ‘You’ll block out your doctor’s recommendations.’

  Finn laughed again but this time Evie didn’t like the sound. ‘It’s been done before. Happens to me with my patients all the time.’

  She wasn’t listening to excuses. ‘I might be your only chance, Finn. And I’m going to push until you face the reality. There is no choice.’

  ‘There is a choice, Evie!’ He turned and faced her and this time she saw, way at the back of his eyes, the fear of being less than a man. ‘At least if I don’t have the operation I can walk away. If I have it I might be flat on my back without that choice.’

  She stepped up to him. Wrapped her arms around him and he stood stiff in her embrace. ‘You can’t put up with this pain for ever, Finn.’

  Still he wouldn’t lean into her. ‘I’m putting up with it now.’

  She stepped back so she could see his face. Plead her case. ‘You’re drinking too much. Your analgesia is becoming ineffective, the exercise that used to help isn’t doing its job any more.’

  He glared at her. Building barriers faster than she could break them down. ‘If you can’t stand the way I am then get out, Evie.’

  She shook her head. Glared right back. ‘You’d like that, wouldn’t you? That way you could just go back to drowning out life along with the pain and self-destruct in your own time.’

  He didn’t deny it.

  ‘Well.’ She put her hands on her hips. ‘I reiterate, I l
ove you, Finn Kennedy, and I’m going to fight tooth and nail for you and the life we could have together. It’s your job to make that decision.’

  Still no response. She took a deep breath and dived in where very few had dared. ‘You need to take the step to stop suffering physically and emotionally from the explosion that killed your brother, Finn.’

  His eyes blazed. ‘That’s enough.’

  She nodded. Not surprised, and sorry she’d had to hurt him, but he needed to break through the barrier. ‘It probably is.’

  She stepped away. Physically and mentally. ‘I’m too frustrated to talk to you any more today, Finn.’

  Finn watched her go. Damn her. Well, he wasn’t chasing her every time she got the huffs.

  * * *

  By Wednesday Finn was looking for Evie. He’d had three horrendous nights’ sleep, the pain was getting worse and he’d dropped his keys beside his car this morning and they’d almost gone down a manhole. Maybe he did need to consider the op.

  Now, for the first time in his life, he wanted to share his thoughts with another person. Apparently that was what she wanted, but Evie was giving him the cold shoulder, and now he couldn’t find her. Maybe he’d driven her away with his disgusting temper but he’d thought she had more staying power than that.

  ‘There you are.’ She was suturing a boy’s hand in the emergency room theatre and she looked amazing. He felt like hell.

  ‘I’ve been here on and off for the last three days, Finn. What can I do for you?’

  Well, she couldn’t do much for him while she had that laceration to fix. ‘Lunch. At one. At Pete’s. Talk about that thing we talked about. That suit you?’

  Evie didn’t smile but he had the suspicion she was having trouble keeping it in. That made him smile. ‘Don’t be late.’

  * * *

  Emily, Evie and Lily finally made it to coffee.

  Emily invited them all to the baby shower and then stopped and reached across and squeezed Evie’s hand. ‘So how is Finn?’

  ‘I can tell you girls because I know you don’t gossip.’ Evie lifted her head and they could see she was okay. Emily was glad. ‘Cranky as a cut snake but I actually think I’m finally getting through.’

  Lily grinned. ‘If anyone can—you can!’

  Evie smiled. ‘Early days yet, but I’m quietly confident. How are you and Luke going, Lily?’

  Lily’s face lit up and there really wasn’t a need for her words. ‘I’m in seventh heaven.’

  They both looked at Emily. ‘And what about you and Marco?’

  ‘It’s complicated.’

  ‘It always is.’

  Emily sighed. ‘I’m just going with the flow but I’m scared of getting too close. It’s not long till he leaves.’

  Evie nodded. ‘At least he’s here for your birthday on Friday.’

  Emily sighed again. ‘Annie’s been onto you. And I don’t even know if he’ll come.’

  Lily grinned. ‘We discussed it while she was in hospital and of course he’ll come.’

  ‘I hope nobody spends money on me!’

  Lily shook her head. ‘I know you hate that. Just friends for tea. I told Annie I didn’t think it was a good idea to surprise someone who’s just come off nights. So she knows I was going to tell you.’

  ‘Finn’s coming.’ The other two girls looked at Evie.

  ‘No wonder you’re quietly confident,’ Lily said.

  The next two days flew by. Emily didn’t see Marco as the theatres were particularly busy, and she knew she would see him on Friday for Annie’s appointment.

  Then there was the looming non-surprise party but she couldn’t worry about that. She had no doubt that Lily and Evie would have her best interests at heart even if it was the last thing she wanted. Inside a little voice whispered plaintively and wondered if Marco would come.

  * * *

  Emily’s birthday started on Friday with a busy shift in the early hours and Annie’s post-ultrasound appointment was scheduled before Emily could have her after-work sleep.

  Happy birthday just didn’t seem the same when you wanted your bed.

  So when Marco and Annie decided to talk about her, not to her, during the appointment, Emily’s sense of humour was far from tickled.

  Annie lay on the examination couch as Marco palpated her abdomen. Ah, Marco thought. Even abdominally they could tell Annie’s baby was growing. ‘So this baby of yours is feeling better. See the height of your belly has come up to here, that is more than a centimetre.’

  ‘That’s what the ultrasonographer said. It’s great.’ Annie sat up. ‘So when are you taking my mother out?’

  Marco helped her step down and studiously avoided looking at Emily. ‘Do you think I should?’

  Annie tilted her head and for a moment she looked older than her sixteen years. ‘How many more days do you have to waste?’

  She was correct. Marco could not resist a glance across the room. Emily had turned and walked over to the window to look out over the harbour. A delightful pink tide had risen to her ears. He had always admired that soft curve of her neck. He lowered his voice. ‘Not many. But perhaps your mother has seen enough of me.’

  He saw Annie glance at her mother’s back. Mischief danced in those green eyes so like Emily’s. ‘She likes you.’ She shrugged and grinned at him. ‘I like you. And she doesn’t have much fun. She seems to think that apart from work she’s bad if she’s away from me.’

  ‘That’s enough, you two. I’m not some charity that needs supporting.’ She glared at her daughter then at Marco, and he had to smile at the fire in her eyes. He knew she was a passionate woman. He’d seen what she could do to butter with a knife.

  ‘I think your mother needs to rest so she can enjoy her day. We are finito here. Your baby is doing as well as I hoped.’

  ‘Will we see you tonight at Mum’s party?’ It seemed nothing would suppress Annie’s intention to meddle.

  ‘I have a very long theatre list but as soon as it is over it would be my pleasure to come.’ He looked across at Emily. ‘Is this fine with you?

  Emily sighed and nodded. Her weary smile reminded him of the day of Annie’s surgery and how he’d wished then to tuck her into a feather bed. And that had been before Emily had shown him a world he hadn’t believed existed. His heart squeezed painfully in his chest as he acknowledged he’d become drawn into the magic world of the Cooper women. It would be hard to leave.

  ‘Of course.’ She crossed the room and held out her hand like she had the first day he’d met her. He took it and lifted it to his lips. ‘Buon compleanno. Happy birthday, Emily.’

  Emily slept surprisingly well—perhaps because of the news Annie’s baby was better, or maybe because of the truce between her and Marco. Or the fact she would see him tonight.

  When she woke Lily and Annie and Rodney had quietly done all the work and she could just sit back and enjoy.

  Emily’s party was a huge success. Pete’s Bar had catered and he’d outdone himself with mini beef pies and brilliant entrées that melted in the mouth and kept coming so that the little alcohol imbibed was soaked up nearly as fast as it went down.

  Annie’s portable music system belted out songs everyone knew and a few of Annie’s strange modern ones she couldn’t resist, though Rodney kept a firm eye on the content in honour of Emily’s advancing age and delicate sensibilities.

  The girls, unbeknownst to Emily, had requested gifts but set with a price limit to two dollars. That guaranteed some hilarious choices.

  The paediatrican, Teo, had declared himself fairy godfather and handed out the gift-wrapped surprises one by one to Emily. There was something about a wide and mischievious Polynesian grin and a man with a pink wand that made everyone smile.

  His new wife, Zoe, kept slipping up for a sit on the fairy godfather’s knee whenever there was a vacancy and Emily shared the envious glances from other single women at the blatant happiness that shone from Zoe’s face.

  Finn was there, not sc
owling quite as hard as usual, and when Evie handed their gift to Emily, a flashing faux bejewelled tiara, she looked more relaxed than she had for a while.

  Lily and Luke were cuddled up in the corner discreetly, chuckling over the pair of his-and-hers shower caps they’d given Emily, and Annie and Rodney had splashed out on a weather vane for the back yard that they thought Emily would laugh at.

  Emily smiled and thanked everyone and had a good time, but she couldn’t help wonder if Marco would manage to slip across for half an hour before it all ended. Teo had said he’d finished his operating list late but at least it was finished. Not that she should be getting in any deeper with a man who was leaving but it was so hard not to look forward to just seeing him. Even feeling his presence and basking a little in the unmistakable pleasure he seemed to have in her company was worth it.

  Someone touched her on the shoulder and as she turned slowly she knew even from that light caress whose hand it was. She couldn’t help the pleasure that welled. ‘Well, hello, there. You made it.’

  His eyes crinkled as he smiled down at her. ‘I heard there was a particularly delightful princess coming tonight.’

  He tweaked the silver crown Emily had forgotten she wore and she grinned up at him. ‘All the best princesses wear jewels like this.’

  ‘And buon compleannao. Happy birthday, again, beautiful Emily.’ He handed her his present.

  She felt the package with her eyes shut then opened them still mystified. ‘You know it can’t be worth more than two dollars?’

  He grinned. ‘Of course.’

  She undid the wrapping and then she smiled with a wobble of her lip because suddenly she wanted to cry. ‘It’s beautiful.’ She looked up at him mistily. ‘Thank you.’

  ‘Let me see!’ Annie had dragged Rodney across to welcome Marco and she looked down at the little pink mouse with wheels. ‘Huh? So what does it do?’

  Marco took the mouse from Emily and wound the key. Then he bent down and pointed it towards the wall. It zipped along in erratic directions until finally it hit the skirting board. Emily got the giggles and her daughter looked at her.

  Annie tugged Rodney’s hand to go back to the music. ‘That’s a weird present,’ Emily heard her say, and the giggles came back.